This whole being a food photographer is working out pretty good for me lately! After completing a bunch of burger photos, I had an abundance of leftover ingredients, including this beautiful prime rib, which I felt would be a shame to put it in my freezer (it gives everything terrible freezer burn), so I set out a plan to cook it right away!
I kept it simple, rubbing the prime rib with thyme, garlic, salt, and pepper, and roasted it with a bunch of beautiful vegetables. The only thing left to do, was find a hot date! Fortunately my girlfriend loves red meat, vegetables, and me, so that was an easy sell! Oh yeah, and I had the red wine ready to go…It was an offer she couldn’t refuse!

Garlic & Thyme Prime Rib
- 2 pound prime rib
- 2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp pepper
- 5-6 sprigs of thyme
- 2 tbsp minced garlic
- The night before, rub the prime rib with salt, pepper, garlic and thyme, wrap with plastic wrap, and place in the fridge overnight.
- If you wish, you can cook the roast on vegetables and potatoes, like I did here. Just toss our favourite veg in some olive oil, seasoning with salt and pepper, and lay the roast on top. If the vegetables need some more cooking time, put them back in the oven, and crank the heat to 400F, and continue cooking while your meat rests.
- Take the prime rib out about an hour before cooking, to allow the meat to come to room temperature.
- Once your prime rib has warmed, roast in the oven at 450F for 15 minutes, before turning the heat down to 325F for about 45 minutes to an hour (for a small - 2 pound roast).
- Cook the roast until the internal temperature reaches 120F for rare, or 130F for medium rare.
- Let the roast rest for 15-20 minutes before serving.
The roast turned out great, was cooked perfectly, with nice simple flavours, but unfortunately that meant no leftovers for sandwiches the next day :(. A minor problem I suppose….
For anybody who stays away from cooking large cuts of meat, I urge you to try them out. Start with a small cut (this prime rib was only 2 pounds), invest in a meat thermometer (I would recommend one that you keep in the meat the whole time you’re cooking), and you’ll tackle roasts like this without a problem.
This has been the favorite for everyone I’ve made it for, including picky kids. It’s often requested and the cooking instructions are absolutely perfect. If only it wasn’t such an expensive cut of meat.
This was a Delicious Recipe, used my home grown Chesnok Red garlic & used 3 heads minced along with Avocado oil & other recipe ingredients I mixed all together let sit in covered jar in the fridge for 24 hrs 5 hrs before cooking covered Prime with this Amazing Flavor, this recipe is definitely a keeper
Was wondering what vegetables did you use?
Never been much of a Prime guy, but beings I’m in my Prime think after looking and reading your post, Im doing it, thank you & looks wonderful.
What a great looking roast beef, meal and post.
The Old Fat Guy