Well here we are – the last recipe from Week 12. First was the asparagus with the hollandaise sauce, then followed up some fresh provencal tomatoes, then Julia’s easy homemade mayonnaise and now we feature the creamy salad: Celery Root Remoulade….
Julia Child’s Easy Homemade Mayonnaise | JC 100 – Week 12
So Julia Child is trying to tell us that homemade mayo is easy? Pfff… yeah right…okay… fine, she was right. In fact, she was more than right. To continue on our cooking spree for week 12 of the Julia Child Challenge, we opted to try making Julia’s homemade mayonnaise in a food processor. Now this is the REAL way to make a class act mayo. Let’s get to the recipe before all of your sandwiches start to feel lonely….
Provencal Tomatoes | JC100 – Week 12
Here is the second recipe from Week 12 of the Julia Child JC100 celebration. We both agreed these provencal tomatoes were up there with the Asparagus and Hollandaise as the favourite recipe of the week. However, we think these bad boys would best be served as a breakfast food – topped with an egg and some hollandaise sauce (as Bob tested out shortly after making them)! Let’s get to the recipe so you can use some fresh garden tomatoes before the summer is over.
Asparagus Au Naturel with Hollandaise Sauce | JC 100 – Week 12
This week we received a lot of fabulous vegetable recipes as part of the Julia Child JC100 Celebration. Let’s kick things off with a simple recipe that makes a great side dish to any dinner: Asparagus Au Naturel topped with a creamy Hollandaise Sauce.
Ratatouille | JC100 – Week 11
Ratatouille!! Finally!
Now maybe Ratatouille doesn’t need that many exclamation marks, but I was excited to make it and finally find out what it tastes like! After watching (and thoroughly enjoying) the Pixar film, I’ve always been curious what it was like! Well I wasn’t disappointed! All the vegetables melded together into some wonderful flavours. My only issue with this dish was the texture, but to combat some of the “mushiness” I chopped up some more fresh peppers and added it. This gave it another layer of flavour and added that much needed crunch (in my opinion).
Bouillabaisse (Mediterranean Seafood Soup) | JC100 – Week 10

Spicy Guacamole & Bacon Turkey Sliders
Get your attention? This week we have a wonderful BBQ prize package to give away to one lucky follower (but you must live in Canada – sorry to all our US readers)! We were approached by the Turkey Farmers of Canada last month to see if we would be interested in joining the GREAT GRILLING TURKEY TRIAL from July 9th-15th. Sounds exciting right? Well we were asked to cook something from their recipe page or create our own and in turn they would send us a lovely prize package to give away to you guys, our faithful readers! Since we are fans of turkey, giving things away AND trying new recipes, of course we said YES.
Charlotte Chantilly | JC100 – Week 9
Looks like I have been forced to bake again for this weeks Julia Child recipe.
This time it’s the Charlotte Chantilly with strawberries, a wonderfully creamy dessert encased in delicious homemade ladyfingers. As was mentioned on my previous baking effort, which happened to be my first for the blog, I had earned myself a 100% track record by successfully baking the Reine De Saba.
Now maybe my confidence was a little too high this time around, as I successfully completed the difficult part (though not very), of baking the lady fingers, I felt like I was on track for another success… Well folks, I was then graced by my very first minor baking disaster! As I was beating the egg yolks and sugar for the Chantilly, everything was going great. I had beat them until ribbony and pale yellow, then continued beating over not quite simmering water until hot to the touch, then proceeded to the last step of beating them while chilling.
This is where disaster strikes and my brain fails.
Roast Chicken with Lemon & Dill | JC100 – Week 8
It’s hard to believe we are already on week eight of the Julia Child celebration. This week’s French cooking assignment was a roasted chicken. Like Bob & I’s other posts, we wanted to jazz things up a bit so we did a lemon dill roasted chicken. Is it possible to ever go wrong with lemon and dill?! This chicken was moist, full of flavour and easy to make! Let’s get to the recipe so you can start cooking it too!…
Sole Meuniere | JC 100 – Week 7
This week the folks representing Julia Child finally decided to bring out the infallible Sole Meuniere, the recipe that changed it all for Julia! Now I can’t attest to having an “AHA” moment like Julia Child upon first bite, but I must say this was some pretty tasty fish! I will be honest, I was ready to be underwhelmed just based off the fact that this recipe has so much hype surrounding it, but I was pleasantly surprised to find myself enjoying what became a very simple and delicious meal! The Sole had a wonderful browned, crisp and buttery exterior, with a soft, flaky interior, which, topped with some lemon juice, was excellent.